The Archer Project

The Cathedral Archer Project is a charity that the began life as safe place for people who had nowhere else to go, providing a basic breakfast for these vulnerable people in the 80's when Sheffield saw a massive decline in its industry, leaving a rise in unemployment poverty and poor health. 

Today its amazing work still continues to support over 1200 homeless and vulnerable people in Sheffield. 

They get to know these people and earn their trust, finding the best ways to meet their individual needs. Not just a place of shelter and rehabilitation, the Archer Project provides the opportunity to take part in workshops and activities, which helps to build confidence, giving the people a sense of responsibility and purpose.

Here is just one of the many success stories from the Archer Project.

‘GS has attended the project for several years, living a very chaotic lifestyle that led to a stay in hospital. It was this experience which led her to decide to change. GS stopped using street drugs over six months ago, and is actively taking part in the recovery group and other activities in the centre, such as upcycling. She is now looking after her appearance, health and her property is immaculate; she is excited about the future. She has also been able to reconnect with her family and rebuild relationships’.
To read more on The Cathedral Archer Project and see how you can get involved visit the website.


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